Key issue: the fun-energy, we have gone ahead

Project facts

Project promoter:
'FOGADÓ', Society of Community Developers in North-Abaúj
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,190
The project is carried out in:


The main problem is the lack of community-based planning of the regional development. One of the main reasons is the small amount of civic persons, organizations who could legitimate the community-planning process with their presence. Generating public actions based on community planning in order to result in positive changing of the way of living. Finding the spectacular, exciting new methods based on the concrete local public needs and adaptable to the every day lifestyle, calling in people to participate in the public work with the opinion-shapers and decision-makers of the local strategy. Activating the community-developmental work of the Association to call in, and make committed more people to this important goal. Making vocational teams, along the local directives and the needs based on the ecological sustainable development. Members of the Ass. (40 prs), persons concerned in the vocational teamwork in a direct way (50 prs), innovative people being concerned during the prog.

Summary of project results

The disproportionately low number of acts that are based on community planning leaded to a positive change in lifestyles compared to its potential and to the regional development needs of Észak-Abaúj. The organization aimed to establish a community enterprise from its committed membership. The project events, the best practices they have seen, aroused the interest of the participants, raised ideas according to the adaptations in them. Best practice visits, construction of viable innovations (like drying with air collector, composting toilet…) and other events were planned and successfully implemented. A professional short film was made and a methodological booklet was edited. The organization cooperates with other NGOs, and has new volunteer members. The beneficiaries were participated in the programs, for example the experience exchange trips and eco picnics. The main benefit was that that the grantee grow stronger that caused notable positive changes in the community life of the settlement and also the surrounding towns profited from it.

Summary of bilateral results