The majority of the 5-6 thousand Roma population of Szeged lives in isolation and under hopeless circumstances. The project primarily aims to improve the living conditions, the access to cultural assets and to promote equal cultural opportunities to children under the age of 18. The objective is to strengthen trust, the positive image of the other, facilitate cooperation and a shared way of thinking between the Roma and non-Roma population by helping the personal development of Roma children, promoting community activity with a theatre programme, which they may participate in either passively (as spectators) or actively (as creators). The outputs are theatre workshop; presentation of interactive performances; drama pedagogy sessions; making short films. Children under the age of 18 and their families, living in the Roma settlement of Szeged will benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
The segregation of the Roma population is a serious problem in Hungarian society, their access to cultural products is poor, there is a low level of cooperation between the Roma and the majority population. The project by MASZK Association aimed to improve equal opportunities within the local Roma community by a series of cultural activities, with a focus on children. The project included a five-day workshop where children created and presented a performance, as well as a series of creative drama workshops and interactive theatre performances, so participants were mainly active and creative. These activities strengthened the local community and personal identity, and offered inspiring and entertaining ways of learning. The project and its results were communicated both through public activities and project documentation available on the net. MASZK gained a lot of new experience through the project, expanded its professional network and will continue the workshops in 2014.
Summary of bilateral results