Social circus program in the most disadvantaged micro-regions and in health institutions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Hungarian Juggling Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 9,993
The project is carried out in:


Equipment for the development of children living in poor regions and similarly and for hospitalized young people, is terribly modest. There are only a few programmes they are able to access. The objective is introducing social circus methods and what is achievable by their implementation, encouraging its use in other disadvantaged communities. The project aims at development, boosting the self-confidence of and making the Roma students of Sajókaza primary school and children treated at the psychiatry department of a hospital more self-sufficient, by utilizing the positive effects of juggling as well as training group leaders and head teachers, organizing research about the effects of the development. The outputs are organizing a juggler practice, training of juggler instructors, festival weekend, performances and taking part in the Hungarian Juggling Convention. From our project students we believe that people interested in this matter and young people who need long-term hospitalization will benefit.

Summary of project results

The project provided service to two target groups – Heim Pál Psychiatric Hospital and dr Ámbédkar School - by the methods of social circus. Circus teachers of the Hungarian Juggling Association visited regularly the two target groups, taught juggling and basic circus skills, then shaped them into a show, which was performed to their wider or local communities in villages of Borsod area and to the patients at the hospital. Teachers of the Association aimed to gain relevant experience by the one year process, be able to analyze it and share the results with their partners in the field of circus, but also to introduce the idea of social circus method into the social care sector and the civil society. They could observe remarkable development at the target group as it concern their pshycal abilities, basic competencies and social skills. They are continuing the work with the group even after the project. Currently they are starting a research on therapeutic possibilities of circus.

Summary of bilateral results