Dice thrower - board game

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for the Clean Future
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 8,721
The project is carried out in:


Young Roma people in the area and their families face problems related to social exclusion and segregation, e.g. social inactivity, lack of perspectives, low self-esteem, lack of communication with the non-Roma outside pre-school and school. The objective is to bring young Roma and non-Roma people closer to each other. In the project the development and implementation of a pilot-type shared board game with the participation of Roma and non-Roma youth will take place. The project will address the challenges through creating the game; an opening event creating groups and a variety of tasks; the game itself with Roma helpers depending on the task; evaluation; finalizing the game; film documentation.The target groups are Roma and non-Roma youth of secondary school age.

Summary of project results

The project of the Clear Future Public Foundation - named Dice - is a development of a common, live and interactive game. It has an experimental implementation with the participation of Roma students living in Budapest and with non Roma students from the Europe 2000 Economics, Tourism and Information Technology High School. The objective was to develop and implement the game. The tasks of the interactive game and their implementation were able to open up possibilities for intercultural learning and understanding between Roma and non Roma students. The project activities highly contributed to social integration of the two groups and reduced prejudice towards eachother. The most important objective of the Dice project was to initiate valuable relationship and bottom up creation of a real community which would be able to stay together after the end of the project.

Summary of bilateral results