The project aimed at reviewing and influencing the Hungarian River Catchment Management Plan, and by that improving water quality, ecological status of living waters as well as mitigating climate change. This target was addressed with the involvement of the most important local stakeholder groups (civil society organisations, farmers, experts, decision makers). Their social activity was increased by the means of stakeholder dialogue events held county-wide with the involvement of adequate experts.
Summary of project results
In the project the grantee has - conducted active networking in terms of building and/or continuing active working relationships with the most important stakeholders including water management authorities, policy making and academic institutions, local and national civil society organizations, municipalities, farmers; - overviewed, mapped and discussed actual policy frameworks as well as infrastructural interventions and water management conflicts present in BAZ county; - carried out some media works in order to inform the public. Outcomes include - (1) the analysis of the water management issues of the Bódva catchment area and (2) the evaluation of 2 EU funded operative programmes in relation to the National Water Strategy that is being used as part of its advocacy and professional work, and that has been sent to the relevant decision/policy makers and been distributed in the associated network of stakeholders; - 21 informed and involved CSOs; - 3 workshops for local stakeholder groups in Miskolc and Edelény; - 2 meetings for professionals and municipality representatives in Miskolc and Bodrogolaszi; - 1 field trip in the Bódva valley for the study of ongoing and recently completed infrastructural interventions; - a limited number of articles and interviews appearing in the local media (online and radio). As a result the project - raised awareness/contributed to the information of a limited circle of stakeholders on actual water management and (sustainable) water issues; - collected, systemized and evaluated related local data and information.
Summary of bilateral results