The aim of the project was to manage, monitor, and display the natural values of the 7 protected areas in the Hajdúböszörmény District with the involvement of young volunteers who will be trained for the organization and implementation of conservational actions. Goals were - to shape the rising generation’s attitude towards environmental issues (nature protection first and foremost); - to open their eyes for the perception of natural values in their close vicinity; - to ensure the supplement of new recruits in the volunteer base of the organisation. The project contributed to the strengthening of social responsibility among local young people. Used methods and project activity includes volunteer recruitment, botanical and zoological survey, conservational actions, volunteer camp. The immediate target group of the project is the population of Hajdúböszörmény and Hajdúdorog towns (approx. 40000 people), especially their teenage/14-18 yro population.
Summary of project results
The poject aimed at managing, monitoring as well as displaying the natural values of the 7 protected areas in the Hajdúböszörmény District. The task of the project was to provide information for the local communities about the natural values surrounding them, in order to increase their interest in nature. On the other hand the goal was to create a functional, active volunteer community that treats, manages protected areas. To reach these goals Green Circle has provided recruiting presentations, organized workshops and partiticpated with a poster presentation at various public events - targeting especially the high school students in Hajdúböszörmény and in the neighbouring towns. The association has managed to get in touch with more than 200 young people interested in volunteering, and the association wants to rely on them in the future too to carry on with its programmes that were realised due to this project. During the 1-year-long duration involving a significant amount of volunteers in some 500 working hours bird protection, confining invasive plant species and waste collection have been carried out. The most spectacular result was the clearance of a large area of Gyöngyvirágos-tölgyes forest in the framework of a volunteer camp held in Bodaszőlős.
Summary of bilateral results