Adapting to Climate Change in the Homokhát Area

Project facts

Project promoter:
Morahalom Local Government
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Bodies responsible for systems and policies in education and local, regional and/or national level.
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 795,733
The project is carried out in:


The targeted geographical area of the project belongs to one of the most endangered area affected by aridity in the EU. The extremely dry periods in the region are longer due to climate change. The surface and ground level water sources of the sub-region are not sufficient to meet the water needs for agriculture. The overall objective of the project is to improve the water management and response efforts to the effects of extreme weather caused and irrigate the dry areas. The project aims to contribute to climate change adaptation by balancing the water resources more effectively in the Homokhát area through the modernization of the existing water network, and so providing sufficient capacity during drought periods, as well as ample storage capacity during watershed periods. The number of people whose livelihood is improved as result of the project is around 10 thousand, and the extension of the area which has increased water retention capacity as an impact of the project is around 700 hectares. During the project implementation a new, almost 1.8 km long main canal will be built to connect to the existing Maty-Subasa main channel (bringing water from the River Tisza), the pumping station will be modernized as well. The project is the next important step for the development of the complex water management system of the whole Homokhát area.

Summary of project results

The Southern Great Plain region of Hungary, the Homokhát micro-region's weather is quite extreme, the region is the most arid area in the EU. The available surface and groundwater level is insufficient to meet agricultural activities. The micro-region is lagging behind and disadvantaged economically and socially. The main objective of the project was to improve the water management and tackle the effects of extreme weather conditions of the area. The project aimed to reach this through increasing the adaptation capacity of the region to the effects of the changing climate and through water balance of the Homokhát micro-region accompanied by the modernized water system. Providing a complex solution for the problems of water supply and drainage in drought and too much water periods. The project has been completed in time by December 31, 2015. All the relevant outputs listed in the Programme proposal have been achieved. The most important project outputs are listed below: • Size of population affected by the project, 11136 capita; • 700 ha of water catchment area affected by the project; • One settlements affected by the project (8,315 ha); • Pressure chanel of 1797m built; • One new and one renovated gate walve; • Operation permit; • Training on climate change, environmental protection, selective waste collection etc. • Under the Communication activities the project promoter has organized events, delivered presentations, organized press event, appeared in local media, developed the project website; • The project promoter was active in bilateral activities; Project website:

Summary of bilateral results