In line with the EU common objectives, the national renewable energy target of reaching 14,65% in the final energy consumption by 2020 is defined in the Hungarian National Energy Strategy 2030, the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the National Building Energy Efficiency Strategy and National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020. This target is underlined by the project, which also helps to cut energy costs and reduce GHG emissions, thus benefiting measures against climate change. The aim of the project is to build a biogas plant that uses swine liquid manure, cattle manure litter and energy plant, namely corn silage on the outskirts of Somberek, which is based on local capabilities and contributes to reducing negative environmental effects. The swine farm on the neighbouring real estate owned by Sombereki Mezőgazdasági Szövetkezet Zrt. will provide most of the feedstock to be used by the biogas plant. The project includes the establishment of double liquid manure pipelines connecting the swine farm and the power plant, the establishment of the heat centre as well as a primer pipeline connecting the swine farm and the heat centre. The biogas plant will produce 2,964,913 Nm3 biogas from 47,750 tonnes feedstock, with 53.3% average methane content, providing an average heating value of 19.1 MJ/Nm3, using 2 block engines of 1000 KW electric performance. The main objective of the project is to produce green electricity of 6,355,035 MWh/year and feed it into the national grid E-ON. The heat energy produced by the plant will be used partially for covering its own need of 6,093 GJ/year, which replaces around 6989.3 thousands m3/year fossil fuel. 30% of the heat will serve to supply heat and hot water for the neighbouring livestock farm. Additional heat and hot water needs may be covered, too. Separated end product of about 43,600 tonnes/year will be sold for the livestock farm and thus return to agricultural land for good quality soil nutrient supply.
Summary of project results
The project implementation has suffered serious delay, due to financial issues on the side of the project promoter, the effective implementation has not started, despite several measures of the Programme Operator and Implementing Agency. Given the fact that the deadline of implementation was 30th of April 2017, the implementation of the project has become impossible, therefore the PO has decided to cancel the awarded grant on 11th January, 2017.
Summary of bilateral results