Comicolerance - method of learning about tolerance through the comics technique

Project facts

Project promoter:
Info zone
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 16,081
The project is carried out in:
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija


Although youth is faced with hate speech and gender violence against women, the lack of awareness and education don't allow them to recognize those phenomena nor to react. An awarded and recognized concept of workshops will be applied throughout the project - which has been previously applied in the field of prevention of youth addiction - in order to contribute to combating hate speech, promoting tolerance and multiculturalism and fighting violence against women. 30 young participants will be educated about the chosen subjects and comic-book technique, which is very appealing to young people, and will enable them to express their creativity. Drawings created by them will, through exhibition and distribution of educative and promotional materials, raise the awareness of the public regarding hate speech, tolerance, multiculturalism and violence against women. By publishing and distributing a handbook, at least 100 youth workers in other local communities will be introduced to this innovative model of youth work.

Summary of project results

During the implementation of this project, more than 30 participants in the workshop were educated in the field of comic-book drawing techkniques and in the domain of hate speech, tolerance, multiculturality and violence towards women. Posters, stickers and comic books which deal with the mentioned topics were produced during the workshop. Around 20 selected works were presented to the public – during the exhibition, which was visited by more than 500 hundred people during the period of one month. The visitors were mostly young people who were informed on the mentioned topics in this manner. Posters and stickers were distributed during the exhibition and during other events organized by Info zone, together with the exhibition catalogue and were seen by more than 400 young people. During the project, 100 copies of the manual were printed. The manual is intended for youth workers and want to use comic-book medium as a tool in increasing the interest of youth in the topics related to fighting hate speech, development of tolerance and multiculturality and combatting violence towards women. The workshop is described with detail on more than 80 pages, which enables other youth workers to implement an identical or similar workshop regardless of their previous experience. During the promotion of the manual – in Split, Šibenik, Kaštela and Dubrovnik – approximately 30 youth workers were directly introduced to this innovative model of youth work.

Summary of bilateral results