The project aims at building the capacity of RSI Panos Mylonas in order to increase its effectiveness and social impact. The project promoter is involved in increasing road safety and accident prevention in Greece. The increased capacity will be achieved through the implementation the development of a strategic plan, which will assess the status of the organization, identify the current needs and prioritize the actions necessary to address the identified needs and improve the operation of the organization for the next five years. The project also includes the provision of training to the staff of RSI on issues directly related to the organizations sustainability and operational effectiveness, as well as the development of an e-learning platform for the training of volunteers. Finally the project aims to improve the online presence of the project promoter.
Summary of project results
The sustainability of the organization is directly dependent on membership fees, sponsorship, donations and co-financed programs. Despite the fact that the organization has a significant number of volunteers that assist in the implementation of its activities, the number of permanent staff is limited and lacking specialized knowledge in writing proposals / funding applications, fundraising, lobbying and advocacy. At the same time, the cost of educating and managing the staff and volunteers is significant and thus the e-learning activities program that this project involved is of high importance to the organization. In order to demonstrate the importance of the work that the organization is doing it’s important to take under consideration that Greece holds the 6th lowest place in Europe in car accidents in 2013 with 854 deaths and 1110 heavily injured. The project involved the determination of the goals and strategy of the R.S.I. (with the setting up of the strategic plan for a period of five years, with a clear localization of the actions it should take to effectively accomplish its mission and vision), the training of its staff, partners and volunteers through 4 different seminars in order to improve the ability of human resources; the amplification of the training provision towards the volunteers, with reduced cost for the Institute, through the creation of an e-learning platform, consisting of 3 different topics which can be also used as a training tool for other groups (e.g. students, teachers, citizens, etc.); the upgrade of the internet website of the Institute which helps to increase awareness among citizens with the provision of critical information concerning issues regarding road safety and the increase of income for the Institute through the e-shop that was created. As a result 19 members of staff where trained through the seminars and 85 volunteers received training through the e-learning platform. The overall outcome of the project is the Institute's capacity building which will allow for its further effectiveness and sustainability.
Summary of bilateral results