(Andar Drosero mesti Pen!): From Drosero to Freedom!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Cultural and Educational Roma Women's Association of Drosero - Xanthi 'Elpida'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 44,010
The project is carried out in:
Ξάνθη / Xanthi


This project aims to promote democratic values, including human rights, to the socioeconomically excluded population of Roma in Drosero, Xanthi, in northeastern Greece. It focuses on primary school children, which, through thematic workshops and the use of experiential methodologies, will have the opportunity to understand the essence of democratic values and their rights within society. Additional activities will provide educational and broader psychosocial support to those children.

Summary of project results

According to recent studies for Roma children education, 33, 4 % of young students have completed just a few classes of the primary school education, while only 7 % of them has managed to graduate. Among the causes for that remarkable school dropout of the Roma children from the primary education are the intense problems of their accession and acceptance in a school environment due to their social exclusion and marginalization, the existence of stereotypes, the diversity of their spoken language and the customs of their race, as well as the luck of support in educational matters from their family environment. The funded project “(Andar Drosero mesti Pen!): From Drosero to Freedom!” has supported in educational and psychological level the young students of the primary school education to comprehend the importance of their right to education and to set with an amusing way the base for the continuation of their training course in the following grades of education. During the project's implementation, the educational support of the Roma students to their schoolwork was conducted and 2 educational excursions were also organized for the reinforcement of that goal. Alongside young children, many of their parents were also psycho socially supported, while with the conduction of thematic experiential workshops and cultural activities the children realized the essence of democratic values and of their rights within society. With the contribution of the association's members and the chairwoman Souleiman Sampiha in particular, the initial goals of the project were achieved and surpassed. 86 children were supported on their schoolwork, 34 students and 42 members of their families were psycho socially supported, while 20 experiential workshops and 20 cultural activities related to the democratic values and human rights were successfully conducted. Last but not least, with the financial support of the EEA Grants a 30 pages Booklet as well as a brochure has been published so that the work of the Cultural and Educational Roma Women's Association of Drosero - Xanthi “Elpida” is made known to the general public. That same goal was enhanced by the project's communication activities in a local level as well as through the final event where the project results were demonstrated to a large audience, with residents of the Roma community but also outsiders.

Summary of bilateral results