Employment’s Empowerment of unemployed women immigrants

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 28,778
The project is carried out in:
Aττική / Attiki

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The project aims at providing to unemployed immigrant women from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine the necessary information regarding their labour rights, and also the opportunity through counseling to gain the skills necessary to effectively search for work in the formal economy and to acquire the appropriate knowledge on setting up their own company in the cleaning services sector. In parallel, the project aims to support these women at psychological and legal level. The main project activities focus on the provision of information and awareness, provision of training and counseling for business orientation and employment.

Summary of project results

The generalized problem of unemployment in Greece the last years has rendered job search very had for all its inhabitants. This is especially true for female immigrants that are experiencing marginalization on a daily basis, which face almost unsurmountable obstacles. The participation of registered female migrant workers in the Greek job market is limited, while the unregistered women without work permit are more vulnerable that on other workers. The project aimed at enhancing the employability of unemployed women immigrants residing in Greece. This was achieved through the provision of counselling sessions both for promoting employment and for the establishment of companies. The project supported a total of 60 women and offered them 140 hours of psycho-social support (through group and individual sessions) and 105 hours of training for employment promotion (how to search for job ads, how to respond to the ads, how to develop their CVs, what is the appropriate attitude/behaviour during a job interview, how the Greek labour market works, what are their labour rights), business creation issues (requirements for setting up a new business, how to develop a business and a marketing plan, suitable and recommended promotional and advertising actions, insurance and tax issues etc), legal counselling on issues of interest (legal forms of businesses in Greece), cleaning residential and commercial spaces. Two of the women who participated in the project decided to operate autonomously through the establishment of companies in the cleaning services and the education field. Approximately 10 women, after request, were provided with assistance to draft their CVs, as well as support for the application procedure for the acquisition of Greek citizenship (collection of required documentation). Finally, information was provided regarding free initiatives for learning the Greek language, Greek public bodies’ etc.

Summary of bilateral results