This project aims to provide social welfare services to socially vulnerable groups in the municipality of Patras. Their main target is to bring together people of different economic and cultural backgrounds in order to mobilize them and boost confidence and self-esteem, promoting at the same time direct contact and interaction within a multicultural society, in which, amid tough economic circumstances, social structures and institutions are being all the more challenged. Their main concern thus is to achieve both individual and collective empowerment of young unemployed, emphasizing on young mothers and their minors, young parents, people from the Roma community as well as immigrants. Cyclisis intends to provide services which will include the provision of food, psychological and social support, peer mentoring, training and development of skills for the unemployed. More specifically, it intends to provide to 30 beneficiaries basic and social welfare services on daily basis and per activity.
Summary of project results
In harsh economic time, when the social fabric and social services are not functioning properly, vulnerable social groups are threatened with exclusion and marginalization. Specifically in Patras area, a regional with a mixed composition of population (includes unemployed Greeks, migrants and Roma) there are frequent incidents of discrimination, xenophobic, racist and other forms of violence which puts peaceful coexistence of different communities in danger. The project was aimed to support and empower Vulnerable Social groups of the broader city of Patras. The key aim was to nurture conditions that facilitate the interaction, communication and participation through activities that promote fun, acceptance, creativity and activation. The core concept of the implemented activities was intercultural education. In this framework, initially in the migrants team, 20 young individuals aged 10-22 in collaboration with PRAKSIS, participated in Greek language courses, IT lessons, while also participating in cultural activities and workshops (for example theatrical mask tutorials, film workshops, storytelling etc.) In addition, in the Roma team, 150 people of the community received food aid and counselling. In particular 32 families with young children received on a daily basis for a period of 10 weeks basic food provisions and support to their children school supply needs. Furthermore, the team of unemployed was comprised mainly of 30 young unemployed women which had weekly job seeking counselling meetings, IT training and personalised counselling and skill recognition through the Personalised Process Manual PROFILPASS. Finally, some joint cultural activities took place where all teams took part such as museum visits, art exhibitions and theatrical plays aiming to create a sense of community between the participant unemployed, migrants and Roma.
Summary of bilateral results