There are still no materials available to fully restore physiological function of bones. The project aims at developing new innovative biomaterials for repair and re-growth of viable skeletal tissues. Development of new biomaterials and strategies would improve the results of treatments, health and well-being of a large number of patients and at the same time significantly reduce costs by reducing cure time and “time to load” of implant treated and/or fractured bones. The Partnership will achieve the development of new biomaterials and strategies for improving the performance of loaded titanium implants and bone graft substitutes used to restore function in compromised skeletal structures.The donor partner, University of Oslo (UiO) will participate in the research to develop new coatings on titanium implants and bone graft substitutes and tested both in vitro and in vivo. The purpose is to identify the pH- region where the titanium hydride layer formation is optimal. At UIB, the release of the biomolecule will be studied. After release study, in vitro experiment will be performed in order to verify which concentration would have highest effect.
Summary of project results
The project OSSEONET aims at providing the scientific and technological basis to develop new innovative biomaterials for repair and re-growth of viable skeletal tissues. This program offers the University of Balearic Islands (UIB) and University of Oslo (UiO) a unique opportunity to experience research in the area of biomaterials development, by facilitating mobility for PhD students and experienced researchers from UIB and UiO, which get access to outstanding facilities and training. The project was needed since there were several PhD projects ongoing at the two institutions that needed the mobility of the researchers to accomplish the goals of their projects. Moreover, there is one financed project at the two institutions that needed the mobility, which was not covered by the project. Each institution has a unique know-how that complements each other; i.e. UiO has a high expertise in animal models for studying osseointegration of implants, with access to the facilities, while UIB has expertise in in vitro analysis of different implant surfaces and scaffolds using different primary cells and cell lines. The project included different experiments and research works performed by participants in different lines, such as: 1) Surface modification of titanium implants with Doxycycline- in vitro study (Rui Xing); 2) Surface modification of titanium implants with phytic acid-in vivo study (Manuel Gómez); 3) Surface modification of titanium implants with UV-activated vitamin D precursor (María Satué); 4) Surface modification of titanium implants with flavonoids (Alba Córdoba). Exchanged students between University of Balearic Islands and University of Oslo attended the seminars (twice a month) at their host institutions, at the Department of Biomaterials (UiO) and Group of Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering (UIB), respectively, and gave each of them one seminar. Several publications were under submission or preparation at the end of the funding period: “Titanium implants coated with UV-irradiated vitamin D precursor and vitamin E: in vivo performance and coating stability”. María Satué, Marta Monjo, Hans Jacob Ronold, Staale Petter Lyngstadaas, and Joana M. Ramis. Submitted. “In vivo performance of flavonoid coated titanium implants in a rabbit tibial model”. Alba Córdoba, Marta Monjo, Hans Jacob Ronold, Staale Petter Lyngstadaas, and Joana M. Ramis. In preparation.
Summary of bilateral results
Besides the research activity, a workshop was organized at the University of Balearic Islands from 25 to 29 September 2015, with participants from both institutions but also from other Spanish institutions. Key opinion leaders from the field and members form both research groups presented their work. Also, two PhD defences from University of Balearic Islands were arranged during the workshop. The project helps to strengthen collaboration and exchange of knowledge between University of Oslo and University of Balearic Islands. Also the cooperation with SMEs, such as Corticalis AS and Numat Biomedical SL, continues through the cooperation in different research projects (INNPACTO, Eurostars). During the project, a research strategy was developed among the different participating institutions, since the research was truly multidisciplinary and there was a need for researchers to exchange experience and technologies. The NILS programme allowed access to state of the art facilities of the different technologies needed to develop different projects and the exchanged students received training by experts of the different teams. This research strategy will be continued in the future by means of any financial opportunity at regional, national or EU level.