This project is necessary due to lack of financial resources available to support the students’ international mobility. One of the goals of our university is to increase the number of student mobility, specifically to Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The project is also looking to foster and increase academic cooperation activities with universities and institutions in these countries. UDC will plan and schedule every action from the management of the existing inter-institutional agreements and agreements in progress to the final evaluation of the mobility, passing through all intermediate processes such as students’ selection, preparation and monitoring of mobility, etc. NILS program will be adequately advertised, following a dissemination plan designed for this purpose. The main beneficiaries of this project will be the undergraduate or master UDC students and it is expected to benefit the university as a whole, from close relationship with the institutions of the NILS program.
Summary of project results
The crisis situation in Spain threatens the bilateral mobility at bachelor and master level with donor states, due to the higher cost of living at these countries and the reduction of funds available for students for this purpose. NILS programme and the project intended to contribute to mantaining or increasing the students mobility from Spain to Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, within the frame of the Erasmus+ programme. University of A Coruña managed a call addressed to its students at Bachelor and Master levels, in connection with the institutional Erasmus+ call, in order to promote and fund stays to be performed in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. As a result, 6 students carried out stays at education institutions in Norway and Liechtenstein. All of them were Bachelor students. Out of them, 3 were women, that is, 50%, and the other 3 were men, 50%. Main destination country was Norway with 5 students in 4 different institutions; 1 student was hosted in one higher education institution in Liechtenstein. These 6 students performed around 32 months of stay, receiving an average grant of 5.901 euro per person for the whole period, with an average length of stay of 5,3 months. Their study period received an official recognition of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), with an average of 30 ECTS per student.
Summary of bilateral results
University of A Coruña attempted to provide an international academic experience to 6 Spanish students in Norway and Liechtenstein . These 6 students performed around 32 months stay, of of which receiving an average grant of 5.901 euro per person for the whole period, with an average length of stay of 5.3 months. Their study period received an official recognition of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), with an average of 30 ECTS per student. For them, this experience has a great value at a personal and academic level, and probably a professional level in the future, too. On the institutional side, University of A Coruña attempted to consolidate their Erasmus + agreements with partner institutions in Norway, increasing the number of available positions and including companies, and opened a cooperation with the University of Liechtenstein, and will continue exchanging students with them. The project provided the opportunity both to students and to the institution to enhance and to deepen bilateral relations as well as to increase the visibility of such mobility and relations in both sides.