REACTIVAS - For the employment promotion for women entering the labour market

Project facts

Project promoter:
Sibila association
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 38,556
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses women who have left or lost their job due to family responsibilities, those without higher education as well as women above the age of 45. The project aims to promote labour market participation among vulnerable women and to promote the exchange of best practices with donor countries of good practice in this area. The project is expected to promote equality between women and men in the labour market. The project will introduce ICT as a tool for training and employment, increasing the beneficiaries' technical skills. The project includes actions that will have an impact across the country such as: -Identifying best practices in Spain and Norway -Development of a guide to best practice -Creation of Reactive Website The partnership with Odal Naeringshage will help achieve specific actions for the Autonomous Communities of Cantabria, Ceuta, La Rioja, Galicia and Andalucia: Online training, custom made plans, training for employment, and establishment of an employment support club.

Summary of project results

The necessity of the project is marked through the slow pace of incorporation of women in the labor market which has marked the challenges in the economic analysis and social reality. The project aimed at achieving social and professional integration of women belonging to particularly vulnerable groups. These objectives have been achieved through social inclusion of the women in question, as well as increasing their capacity with regards to their technical skills. In order to attain this, the women participating in the project have been involved through continued participation in a range of activities. Starting, and for some increasing their already existing knowledge of computer literacy has been the main benefit for the participants. Their knowledge will be maintained through their utilization of their new founded skills in a job placement.

Summary of bilateral results

Collaboration with the Norwegian partner has not been satisfactory for constant communication problems. The feedback request arrived late and did not meet with expectations