Innovative entrepreneurial TIC

Project facts

Project promoter:
Cybervolunteers Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 38,452
The project is carried out in:


Innovative ICT Entrepreneurs is a project focusing on awareness raising, training and sharing experiences to promote and improve employment, self-employment and entreprenership by utilizing tools and services available online. The target group for our project is women, especially women of working age in vulnerable groups (gender, unemployed, abused women, social digital exclusion....) and women from rural areas. The objectives of the project are to promote and make visible good practices and innovative entrepreneurial women from vulnerable groups and/or rural areas, without having to be technology-based businesses, using all kinds of tools and services at your fingertips, helping its creation, development and implementation, creating opportunities and stimulating the development of new solutions and alternatives. Moreover, the project aims to promote and improve empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship of women from vulnerable groups and/or rural areas through training in the handling and use of technological tools.

Summary of project results

The project is focused on innovative entrepreneurship performed by women in vulnerable situations or in rural areas. The innovative feature of the projects is regarded as the application of ITC for goods production or services delivery. At the same time, the project aimed to promote female entrepreneurship by improving the ITC skills provision of women. The target groups of the project were first women in vulnerable situation, concretely unemployed women, victims of gender violence, social and digital excluded, and rural women. Second, female innovative entrepreneurs, and third, the society in general. Several training actions have been designed and provided to participants, through short modular courses of a duration between 4 and 10 hours per course. These courses have included courses for Internet for beginners, blog creation, basic web software edition, creation of video cv and use of social media with professional purposes, general social networks, creation of cv and job websites, use of email, use of online information search tools and of free time and cultural activities, use of smartphones, and safety in the Internet. A total number of 35 courses have been provided by 14 organisations to 312 women (over 150 target). From the projects, 17 women have been selected as good practices (target 10 practices) and their experiences have been disseminated to inspire and encourage to other women. Their experiences have been published in the project website. Another 13 women that have created social innovative projects have also been selected and their work disseminated. A book has been published about the experiences of women entrepreneurs with ITC. 100 units of the book were printed and 7.478 downloads have been counted since its presentation. Finally, several dissemination actions have been organised, such as events (43 participants at presentation event, 50 at final event), brochures, posters, website, social networks, articles in newspaper (El Economista) and publication of 10 interviews on YouTube, aimed to disseminate the activities and to raise awareness among women about the importance and potential of ITC for entrepreneurship. The website has received 6.861 visits (target was to provide awareness to 5.000 women). In addition, a database of organizations that work for gender equality has been created, including and contacting 204 organizations, which has contributed to the dissemination of the actions developed.

Summary of bilateral results