The economic crisis has had serious consequences, especially in the rural areas of Spain. The project aims to address this by targeting rural women at risk of social and labor exclusion. The project aims to promote female entrepreneurship and self-employment, the social and labor inclusion of women from vulnerable groups and to increase the female employment rate. This will be achieved through two different areas of activities: - Training and development of entrepreneurship and innovation for self-employment; - Advise, support and transfer of good practices. 105 women are expected to participate in the project. The project results will be presented in a final seminar that will look closer at the methodology used to define new strategies and policies for employment and equality of women.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project was to build up an effective framework to create new companies and sustainable jobs for rural women. More concretely, the project aimed to support social innovation agents, promote training oriented to self-employment, raise awareness about the potential of self-employment for labour insertion, and to provide visibility to women led employment projects in the European Economic Space. Through these goals, the project aimed to contribute to female entrepreneurship, self-employment and labour insertion in rural areas. Two main actions have been carried out towards the planned goals: First, training actions for entrepreneurship and innovation for self-employment have been provided to 128 women (22% over initial target of 105). The contents of the training actions included topics such as: creation of enterprises in rural areas (including business plan development, marketing, basic legal knowledge or management skills), use of ITC for project management, and management of projects based on territorial development and use of natural resources. 6 different actions have been organized and provided in several villages across Spain. Second, good practices and experiences have been shared among 19 municipalities through meeting events where projects have been presented. Finally, the municipalities that have hosted the training actions (30) and have participated in the good practice exchange (19) have received an acknowledgement certificate. Thus 49 municipalities have been declared part of the “Renewing Municipalities for Employment and Equality”. In addition, dissemination actions have been performed: posters, notebooks, an online platform.
Summary of bilateral results