The unequal status of women compared with men is apparent in many areas but in the labor and business sectors is an important differentiator.This is a major challenge also in rural areas. The project aims to inform and advise women in rural areas who want to establish or develop their business. Moreover, the project aims to encourage female entrepreneurship in rural areas, and to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices regarding female entrepreneurship in rural areas with the Norwegian partner who participates in the project. The project will establish a counseling center run by a group of women whose function and advisory provision will keep track of projects and support rural women in this field.
Summary of project results
The EMPLEATE Project was created to support women´s entrepreneurship in rural areas.This is a particularly vulnerable group, as to the difficulties arising from the reconciliation of work and family life, which many women are forced to assume almost exclusively, are added the problems of the rural areas: difficulties in the access to the training, the information and communications technologies, and finance. To achieve this, a program based on personalized information, exchange of good practices, mentoring or training of business leaders and entrepreneurs, and networking or relationships with other entrepreneurs in their environments was designed. Regarding the collaboration with the partner, an important part of the Project was the Exchange not only of good practices, but also methodologies, experiences and knowledge with the Norwegian partner in the Project entity. This has allowed an enrichment of both parties, and has enhanced the sustainability of the project.
Summary of bilateral results
Odal Naeringshage has been a very important element for this Project because of its experience in working with women and this has enriched both parties. By sharing best pratices both entities involved multiple projects and innovative strategies that are taking place in both countries. During the visit to Norway of the representatives of FEMUR it was posible to share the knowledge and the experience of both organizations, and this opened the door to posible collaborations in the future