The project is based on the exchange of experiences, lessons learned and methodologies, among partner entities and professionals that work on the issue of consolidation of women-led businesses. The objective is to facilitate their consolidation and sustainability through intervention, accompaniment, counseling and training of businesswomen. Through different meetings, a document of recommendations in intervention will be elaborated, and information, counseling, accompaniment, training and follow-up will be provided to the businesswomen to promote the consolidation of their businesses. This collaboration of the participating entities will promote the exchange of methodologies in intervention and the strengthening of business networks.
Summary of project results
The aim was to help to increase women's participation in business activity. To this end, the project addresses accompanying and strengthening entrepreneurs’ pathways to ensure consolidation of their business activities, through the development of itineraries of business consolidation fostering strong leadership, competitive and sustainable enterprises. The project also addresses coordinated work of different organisations to exchange methodologies and put together a proposal of recommendations to public bodies and organisations working in entrepreneurship to encourage them increase of women in the business world. All objectives have been met. Upon completion, the project has improved business strategies as well as knowledge and information in business management of the women who have joined the itinerary. In the first phase of the project, a web space - has been created offering information and advice that has reached 12,505 visits; as well as a point of personalised advice in which 45 entrepreneurs have been attended. It has advised 26 women and accompanied in the process of their business, 29 entrepreneurs. There have also been three courses on "Digital Marketing Plan" attended by a total of 17 entrepreneurs. In regard promoting the participation in networks, 5 social gatherings have been held (39 participants); 3 networking meetings (110 attendees), and 45 requests to join the network have been processed. A working group for exchange and methodological development has met 10 times (44 participants) As a result, the document "Consolidation of companies led by women: approach to the factors that influence their consolidation and recommendations" has been produced. Within the communication plan, there have been a total of 133 dissemination actions either through the project’s website (see above) which has reached 30,321 visits, or corporate websites and others (58,873 visits), and by social networks. In addition, there has been a final event to disseminate the project results attended by 54 people.
Summary of bilateral results
The norweggian partner held a meeting of the working group on the promotion of the consolidation of women-led businesses, as well as the elaboration of a conclusions report, which has served to support the elaboration of a Document of Recommendations. Their participation has contributed to the first objective of the project: Promote the Exchange of experiences and learning among entities and professionals that work on issues of consolidation of women businesses.