The main objective of this project is to contribute to reducing the gender pay gap through collective bargaining. We intend to increase the number of agreements between trade unions and employers, and also the equality plans, both of them containing measures to reduce or eliminate the pay gap. To achieve this objective, we will provide training on how to approach the wage gap at the workplace, to 970 trade unionists who take part in collective bargaining, This training will supply knowledge to detect and identify the factors that cause this gap. With this objective, the project will develop two software tools for detection and identification of the pay gap; a research on their main causes, a guidance on good practices, and an awareness campaign on this subject addressed to workers. The project is aimed at trade union representatives involved in collective bargaining and women and men in positions of responsibility in companies and trade unions.
Summary of project results
As the gender pay gap in Spain is found around 24%, its detection is very complex due to the lack of tools and knowledge of those negotiating collective agreements. A research, including the analysis of 62 sectoral agreements and 62 such of companies, has been developed in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid. From the results, it has been produced a Guide of Good Practices (125.000 copies). Both products have been published in the project’s website, wherein have also been published the analytical tools. A total of 5 workshops have been delivered towards union trade negotiators (58 women and 42 men) at the headquarters of Regional Federations. Those 100 participants have received a pen-drive with both the tools and the guide. Furthermore, there have been training sessions on gender pay gap in 17 regions and in the Autonomous City of Ceuta, attended by 645 women and 349 men (994 people) As for dissemination, there have been printed 50,000 brochures and 10,000 campaign posters, and bags with the slogan have been delivered in the training sessions and final seminar. Finally, there has been organised a final seminar to disseminate the research outcomes (26 men and 93 women) The scope of the project has been estimated to approx. 289,454 beneficiaries, either direct or indirectly. To the above figures, we must add up 103,241 UGT union representatives (66.778 men y 36.643 women). The project performance has succeeded in training union collective negotiator across all economic sector on how to analyse the gender pay gap within their companies. Besides, they have been equipped with the tools to tackle it.
Summary of bilateral results