The general objective is to contribute to the reduction of the wage gap between women and men so that a productive system of real equality is achieved. This requires addressing a work plan that includes both knowledge of the current reality on the wage gap between women and men and the exchange of experiences and promoting the participation of labor organizations and companies that contribute to achieving this primary objective. The specific objectives are: 1. To analyze the current situation of Spanish women workers in the regions where the project takes place in relation to wage differences with men identifying sectors and jobs. 2. To analyze the opinion of key social partners regarding the issue via focus groups and/or round tables with experts. 3. To disseminate the results obtained through meetings and workshops both nationally and at regional and local level as well as editing a book with results and good business practices.
Summary of project results
The pay gap is still a reality and requires a comprehensive perspective. The project has done a diagnosis and research and the results have been compiled in a book published both online and on paper. The website will continue after the end of the project and the book will be accessible and downloadable. The results of the study have been released thus supporting the achievement of the general objective of contributing to the reduction of the salary gap. It is difficult to estimate the quantitative impact because the project has just ended but over 12.250 people have been reached. All the specific objectives have been reached as the situation and views of key agents have been analyzed. The results have been disseminated through the edition of a book with results and good practices. The beneficiaries have obtained actual knowledge of the gap, the benefits of its elimination and best practices. San Pablo CEU and ARHOE have collaborated and worked closely to ensure the success of the project.
Summary of bilateral results