EQUOTEL - Gender pay gap reasons. Research and promotion of gender equality in the hospitality industry

Project facts

Project promoter:
Spanish Hotel Confederation (CEHAT)
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME),
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 148,992
The project is carried out in:


This project improves the analysis of factors causing wage disparities in the Spanish hotel industry, including those related to pregnancy, maternity and/or parental leave, or dependent care at home. The database will be obtained by surveys completed by employees, which will be analyzed by different research areas at universities. At the same time, an extensive program of awareness raising for companies and employees will be implemented in order to introduce equality practices through information and training activities aimed at eliminating the pay gap between women and men. This program will be mainly addressed to those sectors more traditionally masculine or feminine, and also directed at the social agents involved in labour relations.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to understand the causes behind the gender pay gap and gain information to tackle any discrimination on grounds of gender in the tourismhotel sector, by informing, raising awareness and advising across employers on how to promote equal opportunities between women and men. All the activities have been executed. A web has been created (see above), which has facilitated access to: a 1,100 entries documentary resources, a space for advice (100 resolved questions) and a training portal with 4 courses on equality between men and women. A investigation about the factors that cause and maintain the wage gap has been carried out in collaboration with the University Rey Juan Carlos, with 616 surveys input. The results have been published in a Paper (150 copies) and presented in a conference. A total of 285 collective agreements have been reviewed (state, regional and provincial level) It has been created an online tool for the diagnosis of Equality Plans for hotel companies. There has also been extensive presence in paper and digital media; and it has been participated in several conferences, congresses and meetings within the tourism-hotel business sector. The project has enabled the sector to a better understanding of the constraints of the horizontal and vertical gender wage gap. An equality approach has been included as a strategic factor in the sector. The information campaign directed toward the business community has had a considerable impact on increasing their awareness. Besides companies have had access to telematic tools which enable them to make a pre-audit equality across the organisation, information and awareness in their staff.

Summary of bilateral results