In the Region of Murcia, there are different GBV coordination mechanisms, such as the Local Coordination Conference and an Institutional Coordination Protocol. They support the work done by GBV-specialised resources and generalist services that provides support and assistance to women victims of GBV, but they need to be improved and to foster information sharing among them. Its aim is to improve personalised care provided to women, by fostering institutional coordination and by implementing shared information and coordination systems. The project will allow the Regional Government to implement an Individualised Plan of Care, by developing the tools mentioned above, and by delivering training and producing working documents for practitioners and managers to improve coordination, a personalised response to women and a continuous assessment of women’s needs. CORE Project will benefit women and their children victims of GBV and professionals from GBV-specialised and generalist resources.
Summary of project results
The fight against gender violence in the Region of Murcia is carried out by diverse institutions, which requires of an effective coordination and allows for improvements in resource use optimization. In this context the main goal of the project was to promote and organize the existing coordination mechanisms in the field of GV in the Region, as well as improve the customization of the attention provided to victims. The project has improved the skills of the professionals involved in this area and has provided them with electronic tools to improve the attention, coordination and review of protocols and procedures. The actions developed were: First, institutional and local coordination has been enhanced through working meetings, seminars and training for the development of coordination skills, as well as an online coordination platform. Second, a shared information system has been promoted. The already existing system of unified management of gender violence files has been updated. It enables the coordinated management in a single database of all the actions taken by different attention resources. New features of the system have been developed, an optimized database, a tool to create reports, an optimized graphic interface and the integration of the evaluation system that monitors the situation of women. Moreover, a guide on the use of the shared information system has been published, as well as a statistical information add-on that enables users for the quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Third, a Comprehensive Attention Plan has been created; a framework of periodic evaluation of the women needs has been developed, together with a holistic evaluation system of the resource network and of coordination systems. Finally, several dissemination measures have been carried out. The final event of the CORE project (250 participants) served to disseminate the project results, share good practices and promote the debate among professionals. The seminars of development of skills coordination enable for the presentation of the project to almost 200 professionals from different fields. Also, several press releases have been published; a web page, newsletters, a flyer and a communication strategy in social networks have been developed, reaching about 14.602 persons.
Summary of bilateral results