Ending the violence against women requires a coordinated action, always with respect to women and the system of distribution of powers of each organization. The aim of the project is to create an interconnected information system that provides professionals involved in the care for women victims a comprehensive, and both a current and historic information about the situation of women and their dependents, with the effective coordination of the various care systems for victims (social services, justice system, healthcare system, police system, etc.). An increase in the detection of domestic violence victims is sought, offering them support in the escape from the cycle of violence, increasing safety and preventing secondary victimization. Tools that facilitate the sharing of the information required at each level and the women risk assessment will be incorporated into the system. The beneficiaries of the project will be gender based violence victims and the professionals attending to them.
Summary of project results
The need for the Project was due to the fact that the gender-based violence requires the coordinated work of the participating agencies. Its goal is the development of a database management software system which interconnects each participating agency’s database system to provide professionals with comprehensive information about the victim in order to make a comprehensive case plan. The consequence of the implementation of this database software has been a change in the way professionals work with gender-based victims is conducted, and has meant the coordination of all the professionals belonging to the different agencies working on this field. The agencies involved have been participating in working groups. PAWLA Project is linked to the new model of intervention with gender-based violence victims in Castilla y León. Therefore the project benefits will remain throughout the life of this new model.
Summary of bilateral results