Analysis, evaluation and improvement of the intervention processes of youth in risk emancipation

Project facts

Project promoter:
Galicia Institute for the Development of the Third Sector - IGAXES3
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 88,425
The project is carried out in:


The project consists in the conduction of coordinated research with Universities aiming at identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of intervention in emancipation programmes on non-profit regional level organisations working in favour of youth at risk. The project outcomes are the following:  To establish strategies of improvement and strengthening of programmes for inclusion, emancipation and autonomy carried out by the NGOs. To systematise the assessment and measurement of success in such programmes for the inclusion of young people. To establish protocols and instruments of diagnosis and assessment of young people's difficulty and/or conflict social, common to all entities and exportable to all regional governments. The project outputs are the following (amongst others):  A study of the NGOs and processes in relation to the improvement of the autonomy and the development of processes of emancipation and inclusion of young people in difficulty and/or social conflict.  Improvement of the protocols and diagnostic tools for young people in difficult situations and/or social conflict.

Summary of project results

The ‘Analysis; evaluation and improvement of intervention processes for the emancipation of youth in situations of difficulty and/or risk’ project has been developed by 4 NGOs and 4 universities in partnership, which has entailed a very interesting inter-sectoral collaborative experience for all. We have been able to value the great contribution that the academic sector can make to the Third Sector by generating knowledge, and the important contribution that the Third Sector can make to universities by generating experience. The result obtained for the project has been a rigorous evaluation of intervention processes for the emancipation of youth in situations of difficulty and/or risk, a result obtained through the active participation of youth themselves in the process of data collection, who have shared their trajectories, difficulties, challenges and successes with the different research teams. The conclusions of the study allow us to establish that a good intervention programme for emancipation requires the following characteristics: • Cultivation of personal autonomy since the beginning of adolescence: the horizon of emancipation already exists before the age of 14. • Individualised intervention: each girl or boy must have their own itinerary and objectives. • Participation of every young person in his/her own process, making decisions on every step of his/her life path. • Support of the process on the part of the family or some of its members. • Specific lines of work for integrating youth in their community. • Mentoring programmes so that participants can count on the support of an adult figure during and after the moment of emancipation. • Evaluation of the processes by the boys and girls themselves and study of their trajectories years after the completion of the programme

Summary of bilateral results