Strengthen the capacity building of the associations of the Latin-American and Caribbean Women Network in Spain to enhance their representative and advocacy role in the promotion of migrant women's rights.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association of Research and Study of Iberoamerican Issues (AIETI)
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Foreign migrant workers
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 137,530
The project is carried out in:


The project promotes the participation of women as rights holders in order to impact public policy on issues that directly affect them. These issues include the situation of domestic workers and carers, the prevention and care for immigrant women victims of gender and/or sexual violence, return, and irregular immigration status. The project aims to bolster the institutional capacity of associations belonging to the RED de las asociaciones integrantes de la RED de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe en España. The intention is to advance their representational role and advocacy to promote human rights and raise awareness through a gender and intercultural approach, particularly with regard to women residing in Spain’s regions of Madrid and Catalonia.Who is expected to benefit?; 8 associations in the RED de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe en España.200 women immigrant leaders.5 women immigrant organizations or national allies of the RED.40 young immigrant leaders promoting youth leadership 5 media.10 representatives of public entities.

Summary of project results

The Network of women domestic workers from Latin America and the Caribbean in Spain has strengthened the capacity of member organizations. They have been working together in political and social advocacy for the rights of women, particularly migrant women. For the network, it has meant a process of strengthening their organizational skills and communication, positioning itself with its own voice in the defense of human rights of migrant women. It has been a participatory process that has allowed member organizations appropriate arguments to claim their rights as citizens and migrants, generating proposals, and taking them to the political parties that can integrate into their programs. Managing diversity has been a constant challenge as well as to manage: generational diversity, leadership, time and space. We emphasize some results. First, we note the strengthening of organizational, training and communication action network capabilities. This is specified in greater cohesion among members of the network to strengthen its identity, principles and values, mission and vision, with solid arguments on the claim of their rights. Improved organizational structure with internal communication tool and positioning network in social networks Facebook, Twitter, Blog. Secondly, it has positioned the network of Latin American and Caribbean Women in their advocacy role in defending the human rights of migrant women. It has done important work in alliances such as Turin group or CEDAW Platform, among others. Finally, it has developed a process of forming multipliers for the promotion of equality and prevention of violence. The main activities in this regard have been: training, organization and promotion of community promoters. This has served as a pilot to develop awareness actions, accompanying, radio, etc. The network has an important voluntary collaboration and commitment of individual women who have contributed their expertise and experience in the field of social intervention.

Summary of bilateral results