An important amount of the steel consumption arises from scraps, which are melted and refined in the steel mills. The latter is usually performed employing an appropriate slag, composed of calcium oxide, aluminium oxide and fluorspar. Instead of pure alumina, calcined bauxite is used as slag forming material. Secondary aluminium production is performed mostly using rotary furnaces with salt flux addition which leads to the formation of salt slags. These slags are treated to recover the raw materials contained therein, producing a non-metallic insoluble fraction (NMF) composed mainly by aluminium oxide. The project objective is the production of a steelmaking slag modifier using the salt slag by-products as raw materials, overcoming the current state of the art. The substitution rate achievable will be the best project success indicator. The substitution of primary raw materials using secondary by-products will provide important economical and environmental advantages to both steelmaking and secondary aluminium industry. Both, steelmakers and aluminium recyclers, are essential integrants of the backbone of European and donor countries' industry.
Summary of project results
RESALOX project aimed at developing a new scorifier for steel from the saline slags of aluminum industry. The project has ended successfully, obtaining a product with a high content of alumina (about 70%) that can be used for secondary metallurgy. In a first approach, the project would be suitable for steel products with low quality requirements. A further improvement would be necessary for granting its use in high qualities. On the other hand, the new scorifier doesn't affect the refining process (no additinoal energy or temperatura is needed), and lixiviation of chlorides doesn't compromise future valorization of white slags.
Summary of bilateral results