Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 77,608
The project is carried out in:


Europe is facing a major challenge in controlling air pollution from transport activities. NOx pollution levels are exceeding the maximum values in some European regions. The PHARO project aims to develop a process of obtaining and applying for a novel bituminous emulsion with photocatalytic properties, which allows for the removal of nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases of vehicles. The project's main innovation component is the photocatalytic effect of the product, obtained by adding TiO2 as catalyst, resulting in heterogeneous catalysis processes that originate non‐toxic products easily removable with rainwater. The new photocatalytic emulsion mainly targets urban roads and industry and will enable the removal of at least 20% of NOx compounds after application on the road and up to 40% in the laboratory. It could be applied in existing roads and new ones without any additional treatment and its implementation on the pavement with cold mix and temperate technologies will require less energy consumption.

Summary of project results

Europe is facing a major challenge in controlling air pollution motivated by transport activities. In particular, NOx pollution levels are exceeding the maximum values in some European regions. Consequently, governments are taking measures to comply the Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament. The PHARO project has developed a formulation and process of obtaining a novel bituminous emulsion with photocatalytic properties, allowing for the removal of nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases of vehicles. The project has been divided into the following activities: 1) Research, development and evaluation of bituminous emulsion: The materials that form part of the photocatalytic emulsion (bitumen, catalyst and emulsifying agents) have been studied and analyzed, as well as the factors that affect the performance of the same. Given the highly innovative character of this project, it has been necessary to carry out numerous tests and to study novel techniques and components to obtain emulsions with adequate photocatalytic activity. 2) Analysis of sample applicability and photocatalytic evaluation: a study was carried out to evaluate the application technologies of asphalt mixtures that could be use in the project. To reach project objective, REPSOL studied numerous bitumen, catalyst and surfactants in order to optimize the formulation of the emulsion its photocatalytic activity. The company will continue working on this beyond project end date. With the results obtained they will be able to carry out the tests and validation processes.

Summary of bilateral results