The general objectives of this project are to prepare guidance materials for information activities aimed at children who have witnessed intimate partner violence, to carry out information activities, to improve the operational capacity of the cooperation network, and to pilot new services meant for children. The expected results of the project activities are: 1) The need of children who have witnessed intimate partner violence for help and corresponding services better acknowledged in society and the need to notice and support victims as early as possible met; 2) Mothers living in a violent relationship acknowledge the impact which the conscious witnessing of violence may have on their children, and are aware of the possibilities for seeking help; 3) The guardianship capacity of the network of specialists who have specialised in helping the target group improved; 4) The coping ability of child victims who have received help has improved; 5) The general public and the society as a whole are aware of the need to interrupt the spread of a violent family model and know the possibilities for how this can be done.
Summary of project results
Before the Project there was no campigns done to improve children's knowledge on domestic violence. As children witness violence in their family they feel guilty as if it was their fault. The Project was necessary to educate children to understand the situation and to not associate it with his- herself. To reach children the Project promoter created a book about violence in the family. The book is called "A story about a little oak tree, anger and a crow". Instructions how to explain the book and the story to children was also created. Its goal was to teach parents, teachers and others to help children understand the book better. It is necessary as the topic is very difficult for children. Information seminars were carried out on four levels: 1) Information about the book for Network members, for public servants; 2) Trainings for specialists to teach how to use the book; 3) Direct awareness raising activities for children through plays and workshops both in Estonian and in Russian (10times) 4) Informing wider audience through TV, print and social media
Summary of bilateral results