Human Trafficking Prevention and Victim Support through the Anti-trafficking hotline +3726607320 services

Project facts

Project promoter:
NGO Living for Tomorrow
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of trafficking,
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 131,719
The project is carried out in:


In 2002, Estonia started paying attention to human trafficking issues. Neither any prevention nor victim support was available at that time. Living for Tomorrow (LFT) therefore stepped in to start developing strategies for prevention. Today, LFT has the longest experience in preventing and tackling human trafficking among Estonian NGOs. The number of persons using the organisation's services has been in constant increase. This project supports the sustainability of well-organised services for labour trafficking victims provided by the experts working at LFT. Such service provision demands highly professional skills and experience. The general public, victims of human trafficking and professionals working in the field will benefit from the project.

Summary of project results

According to research done among young people, tendency to work abroad even illegally, and lack of knowledge on potential risks regarding human trafficking or smaller labour exploitation issues is rather low. This project prevented trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, and supported victims of labour exploitation. During the Project 1454 people were counselled. 64 exploitation cases, 3 sexual exploitation cases , 7 marriage of convenience cases, 4 gender based violence cases, 9 fraudulence cases were discovered. 176 people received jridical counselling. A qualitative research was carried out among youngsters at the age 17-20 to get to know about their knowledge of prostitution, going abroad to work and human trafficking. Overall awareness of human trafficking issues was raised through EURES Network in Estonia. 16 events were organised and taken part of. For example information seminars for workers on ferries, taking part of work-fair etc. Counselling servide was advertised in many news paper and journals in Estonian and Russian language. To have better knowledge of call-in service and topics of the callers call-in computer programme was made to collect statistical data about every caller which is easily possible to summarise and understand the needs of the callers. For example due to the programme trends of the problems of the callers are now possible to understand. As the human trafficking is in change all the time this helps to understand what are the current important problems and how the field changes. Altogether call-in service, extensive advertising in media and other activities helped a lot of Estonians suffering from human trafficking. The Project made great change to the field.

Summary of bilateral results