Mobility Project of Tallinn University of Technology, 2015

Project facts

Project promoter:
Tallinn University of Technology
Project Number:
Target groups
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training,
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 21,635
The project is carried out in:


Target group of the mobility includes scientists, administrative staff members from Tallinn University of Technology members from Norwegian partner institutions. Mobility project is focused on the development of TUT`s strategic partnership with Norwegian universities. Our university is aiming to improve the regional collaboration between Nordic universities. This project contains mobility tracks that will support relationship development in the main disciplines that could benefit from each other`s competence. TUT is emphasising the need for regional collaboration between Nordic and Baltic universities to develop a strong and widely known quality mark for the regions HEI sector. To ensure the quality level in academic and scientific performance, the region institutions should benefit from each other`s competences and best practises.

Summary of project results

Expected outcome was ­future cooperation e.g. joint research, academic and comparative case studies; visiting lectures and student exchange between TUT and partner institutions which was achived. As a result of the visits there have been written several joint articles and the cooperation is very good. Active cooperation is conducted. Outcome was also knowledge about new methodologies, approaches and conceptions. Also we got some new potential cooperation ideas. The wider effect would be general awareness arising in the academic personel.

Summary of bilateral results

Üldine koostöö ja suhted TTÜ ja Norra partnerite vahel on head ning tagasisideankeedides tuleb see ka välja. Suurimaks väljakutseks dokumentide hulk. Collaboration and relations with TTU and Norwegian partners are good and it is also fixed in the feedback questionnairies. The biggest challenge is enormous heaps of documents.