Tartu Art College (TAC) is a multidisciplinary higher education institution that educates professional artists and artists-restorers who value and preserve cultural heritage. This project is established with the aim of strengthening ties between TAC Department of Textile and the Norwegian company Tronrud Engineering AS, the staff of which co-invented the digital weaving loom TC-1 that was purchased and used by TAC. The project foresees an expert from the Norwegian company to visit TAC and teach its students about his/her experience from the company and the digital weaving loom. In addition, 2 teachers from TAC visited Norway for 4 days to partake in workshops with Tronrud Engineering AS, enabling them to widen their horizons on the use of the weaving loom device and gain experience with innovation. Without this project the visits would probably not take place due to financial reasons. Partnership with Tronrud Engineering AS is the only possibility to receive technical support for the TC-1 looms used actively in the teaching process at the Department of Textile.The mobilities will be important for strengthening the ties between the two institutions. Keeping in touch with the staff at Tronrud Engineering AS is relevant for receiving practical experience for the students and staff at TAC.
Summary of project results
The project was very valuable to the participants. The visit of the expert to TAC sought to provide students with a possibility to learn from the top expert in this field and the exchange of teachers were aimed at widening the horizon of the staff about the use of the particular device and find out about innovations in their field. The objective of the project was to learn more about the field of digital weaving looms and the works that can be created by its use. The Norwegian expert was impressed with the motivated students at TAC during her teaching visit, and the TAC 2 staff members found their exchange to Norway for 4 days to be vital for professional development and practical experience. While the project encountered no major problems, the report files and principles could be more user-friendly. Without this project the visits would probably not have taken place due to financial reasons. Partnership with Tronrud Engineering AS is the only possibility to receive technical support for the TC-1 looms used actively in the teaching process at the Department of Textile.The mobilities have been important for strengthening the ties between the two institutions. Keeping in touch with the staff at Tronrud Engineering AS is relevant for receiving practical help with the looms TAC purchased from Tronrud, finding out about innovations and developments in the field of digital weaving and conveying the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to students.
Summary of bilateral results
The project did not get funded for bilateral relations activities. The mobilities have been important for strengthening the ties between the two institutions. Keeping in touch with the staff at Tronrud Engineering AS is relevant for receiving practical help with the looms TAC purchased from Tronrud, finding out about innovations and developments in the field of digital weaving and conveying the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to students.