Mobility project between the University of Tartu and University of Tromso

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Tartu
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 11,851
The project is carried out in:

More information


For the individual students, researchers and teachers, this mobility project provides an excellent opportunity to make the first contacts to the students/researchers of the potential future RCP partner institution, to get a high-level education and researcher training, to train own teaching skills for the first time abroad (young academic staff) and to share expertise in the fields of wound healing and burn therapy.

Summary of project results

The project was important and successful in many ways for both participating institutions: (1) First of all, the project gave an excellent opportunity for young PhD students to participate research training, learn new research techniques and to attend supportive teaching courses/seminars for their on-going PhD studies; (2) The transfer of knowledge in the fields of multifunctional nanomedicines for wound healing and burn therapy between Norway and Estonia (3) The visits of professors made it possible to held high-standard lectures/seminars/group meetings for both MSc and PhD students of the host institution; (4) The teaching visit of young Estonian teacher at the UiT allowed him to practice and strenghen his teaching skills in English which is also advantage regarding his future academic career and oral presentations in scientific meetings (5) The present student and teacher visits also greatly reinforced the research collaboration and joint PhD student supervision between partner institutions in the field of pharmaceutical sciences; new personal and professional contacts were made at all levels The project will continue with regular PhD student/researcher/teacher visits. For example, one PhD student, who participated in the present project, will continue his PhD studies in Tartu for additional 1-month period in October by the Norwegian scholarship. In addition, one MSc student from the UiT will start her 5-month period at the University of Tartu under joint supervision. As a concrete outcome of the project, the following results were achieved (summarised from the final reports of participants): (1) The total number of ECTS obtained by the PhD students (2) from teaching courses/seminars/experimental laboratory work during visits was 29 ECTS (2) Total 17 academic hours were given as lectures/seminars/group works/supervision meetings by the participating teachers (3) during their visits (3) Based on the project visits, it is expected that total 3-5 scientific conference presentations and at least two joint scientific articles wil be published in the near future (4) The research collaboration between the participating institutions was established. The outcome of project was considered as very good and it was reached mainly as originally planned. To offer high-level study/researcher training opportunities for the young scientists. Based on the feed-back of the individual final reports and the project results obtained, these all three goals were well reached, partly even exceed.

Summary of bilateral results

Both project partners were well commited to both organisation and substance-related activities of the present project. University of Tartu was a coordinating institution being responsible for a general coordination of mobility, financial management and reporting. UiT - The artic University of Norway was a partner high education institution coordinating mobility of one EST student and young teacher. At both partner universities, the staff of the departments for financial and science-related affairs as well as faculty offices had an active supportive role during the project. As regards with professional contribution, both partner institutions reserved their high-standard teaching/research work supervision and facilities available in the project. The bilateral relations will be strengthen after the present project through individual student/researcher visits which are already foreseen and mutually agreed. For example, the Norwegian PhD student, who already participated in the present mobility programme, will make his second visit to the University of Tartu funded by the Norwegian national scholarship stipend in the end of 2014. Together with him, one PhD student, who is currently in very early stage in his PhD studies, will also visit in Tartu to learn the design and fabrication of medicated nanofiber. One Norwegian MSc (Pharm) student will make her study/laboratory work period for 5 months in Tartu in 2014-2015. The bilateral relations will be strengthen also through the future regular contacts of teachers/PhD student supervisors. It is also expected that a number of joint research project applications (at a national/Nordic/EU level) in the field of wound therapy will be made. Furthermore, joint research publications (scientific articles, conference abstracts, etc.) are under preparation and will be published in the near future. In the future, the research collaboration between the project higher education institution partners will steadily broaden and established. The current partnership has already extended to the research collaboration and knowledge transfer with the University of Tartu, the UiT - the artic University of Norway Tromsø, and the University of Helsinki (Div. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology and Electronic Research Laboratory) in the field of advanced wound therapy. Related to this collaboration, the EU Marie Curie post-doc researcher visit application has been submitted.