Promoting Gender Equality through Empowerment and Mainstreaming

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 556,587
The project is carried out in:

More information


Estonia is facing considerable challenges concerning gender inequality. There is very high horizontal and vertical gender segregation in the labour market as well as a very high gender pay gap (27,6%). Gender discrimination also takes place while recruiting women with children and/or in reproductive age. Employers are reluctant to develop policies which would address work and private life reconciliation issues. Estonian society has a very low level of awareness of employee and civic rights and equal treatment principles. The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of different actors on issues of gender equality and prohibition of discrimination as well as structural inequalities in the society. The project aims at enhancing the protection against discrimination through providing training to the professionals in the position to assist the discrimination victims. The objective of the project is also to have a positive impact on the legal culture (strategic litigation).

Summary of project results

The project raise awareness of different actors on issues of gender equality and prohibition of discrimination as well as structural inequalities in the society. The project enhanced the protection against discrimination through providing training to the professionals in the position to assist the discrimination victims. The project also had a positive impact on the legal culture (strategic litigation). The project included legal counselling throughout Estonia, training of employers and gender equalityu professionals, psychlogists and Labour Inspectorate, awareness raising (incl publishing the information materials - brochures and web materials - on equal treatment principle. Special focus was on minority groups and vulnerable social groups who are more likely to be victims of gender discrimination and multiple discrimination. The Commissioner also carried out impact assessments on legislative action and published guidelines for public sector. An eqquality measurement tool was created and an interdisciplinary international academiv conference was held in Estonia.

Summary of bilateral results