Improved health shall lead to reduction of medical costs, reduction of the burden of social welfare, improvement of human efficiency in as well as reduction of the capacity of medical waste. In this context the project idea is to develop innovative and globe wide e-health internet environment and provide personalized health risk identification and prevention management, health state screening and healthy living guiding service world wide. This project, supported under the small grant scheme, will aim to further elaborate the project idea with the aim of preparing the project application for the main open call under the GII programme. The project focus will be on collecting and analysing market situation, developing the concept of the HealthBook environment and forming an initial action plan. The funding will also be used to search for possible partners to be involved in the project.
Summary of project results
HealthBook e-health environment project idea belongs to Health Informatics Technology market sector as the idea is to develop an innovative and globe wide e-health internet environment and provide personalized health risk identification, prevention management, health state screening and healthy living guiding service. The ultimate goal of the business idea is to assist people via HealthBook e-health internet environment to take charge of their health and maximise the number of healthy years. The HealthBook e-health environment shall be programmed and conducted based on complicated health symptom-diagnose-cause-risk-behaviour-change-consequences algorithm. The small grant scheme project activities have been ended and business idea has been analyzed and assessed. IT architecture and concept for the solution has been elaborated, including Seach Engine Optmisation and Content Management module. Project economic and environmental impact analysis and business plan have been conducted. Project promoter has not been successful in partner search activities as no partners have been involved by the end of the project period. Nevertheless project promoter continues with partner search activities and plans to apply for a grant in second open call.
Summary of bilateral results