Palupera society more active in attractive manor school complex

Project facts

Project promoter:
Palupera municipality
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 39,278
The project is carried out in:

More information


Manor schools programme in Estonia is aimed to preserve the cultural heritage of manor buildings used as schools. Schools are located in rural areas and via development of local communities all projects also help to reduce social and economic disparities. During 2014-2015 following activities will be implemented in Palupera Manor School, which is acting also as a community centre: aviary in manor park will be restored in a scope that allows community members and guests to use the building from spring to autumn, manor park and pond will be cleaned and rose beds will be created in manor park; trainings for guides will be organised, who would take the responsibility to host the guests of the manor school; heritage workshops will be organised in aviary with aim to guarantee the sustainability of traditional rural activities and methods; special keepsake and almanac of manor school will be created and 12 music concerts will be organised in manor school. As a result of the project Palupera will become more developed, enduring, united, diverse and attractive community. Bilateral partners are not involved in the project.

Summary of project results

Palupera manor houses a local basic school. The project “Making Palupera community more active in an active manor school complex” focused on activities that bond local inhabitants with the school and the manor complex. To strengthen the bonds and create responsibility much of the physical work was done on voluntary basis, the common working days were very popular. In the frames of the project the surroundings of the main building were put into order – the pond cleaned, new rose- and flowerbeds created and the renovation works of the former aviary finished and the building taken into community use. During the project many cultural events took place during the visitor game “Forgotten manors”, also several workshops that focused on traditional handicraft took place. The local habitants were offered a professional training of tour guiding to enable seasonal employment and thus develop Palupera as visitor centre. A competition for Palupera souvenir was held and the price winning souvenirs produced. School pupils studied local history in country study class and the material produced was published in an almanac. Project fulfilled its aims; it supported regional development and enforced local identity. Project was well represented in local and social media and shows a sustainable effect on the promotion of the area among visitors. As side effect the owners of local cultural heritage sites started a network to promote their sites together; the self-confidence in the values of their home region and trust in the results of action taking significantly raised in the community.

Summary of bilateral results