The project aims to increase society's attention and caring about children and youth and situation of their families, and thereby to increase financial capacity of the organization. The project will target all donators of the NGO for whom an emotionally telling web environment will be developed, which leads to greater understanding of the situation of the families living in the risk of poverty. During the project a database of needs of supported families will be composed. And to inform the public of those needs, a visual database will be made – mainly photos and video clips, created visually as real-life needs and situations. A media plan and also a strategic plan for effective collection and efficient use of donations will be elaborated. As a result of the project awareness of the situation and needs of the poverty risk children/young people will grow in society and the number of donators will increase. Therefore, the capacity of Dharma in supporting children and young people and in improving their conditions will also increase.
Summary of project results
The project aim was to increase society's attention and caring about children / youth and their families situation, and thereby to increase financial capacity of the organization. The project was targeted to all the Dharma donators - both individuals and organizations, for whom was developed an emotionally videos, which leaded to greater understanding of the situation of the families living in the risk of poverty. During the project a database of needs of supported families was drawn up. And for informing the public of those needs, a visual database was drawn up – mainly photos and video clips. Video clips explain needs, problems and expectations of families in need and would be a helpful tool for fundraising. To better reflect Dharma's activities in the media a media plan was drawn up and also a strategic plan for effective collection and efficient use of donations. This project also included a thorough analysis of the Dharma donators, which helped the organization to understand better the donator and his expectations.
Summary of bilateral results