The project concentrates on the issues of unaccompanied minors in Estonia and on a family strengthening program. The number of unaccompanied minors has continuously increased in EU and in Estonia. A survey carried out in Estonia in the beginning of 2014 showed the great impact of the family strengthening program in the city of Narva, but acknowledged that it needs to be improved to better involve families and to be more attractive for both, for children and families. Therefore, the project will increase awareness of people who are involved with both of these issues in their everyday work by organizing study visits to Denmark and Belarus. The final beneficiaries of the project are unaccompanied minors who arrive to Estonia and families at risk who are a part of the family strengthening program. In addition, information material for people who work with unaccompanied minors will be developed and services provided in family strengthening program will be updated.
Summary of project results
This project had two basic objectives: raising of awareness of SOS Children’s Village Association of Estonia workers in area of unaccompanied minors as well as victims of human tracking; raising awareness of SOS Children’s Village Association of Estonia workers in area of working with families at risk and updating family strengthening program service that is working in Narva city since 2008. Both objectives were achieved via two study visits to Belarus and Austria, sharing knowledge and experiences. Also the conception of offering accommodation service for unaccompanied minors was worked out and the centre for unaccompanied minors was opened at Keila SOS Children’s Village. Many different representatives including relevant state authorities of the area were involved into the process.
Summary of bilateral results