The main activity of NGO Karu Klubi is organizing, staging and carrying out role-playing games to entertain and educate youth and therefore to help solving problems such as violence, bullying, computer addiction, passive lifestyle. The general aim of the project is increasing quality of NGO Karu Klubi services through improving the NGO-s financial state. This is done by developing social entrepreneurship in the NGO with the involvement of young people of the region. As a result of the project the NGO Karu Klubi will have financial capacity to organize higher quality role-playing games in Estonia, new useful contacts for cooperating in local and international projects in the future, and more active youth in the NGO and in the society.
Summary of project results
The purpose of the project was developing the quality of social services of NGO KARU Klubi, in particular the quality of roleplay games – organizing, carrying out, planning, costumes, work with players, work with volunteers etc. Due to the project the image of the club has improved in the local community, among other clubs in Estonia but also among its own members. The members show more interest in the club and have started to pay membership fees. This has elevated financial status of the NGO which can be used for future quality improvement. Renovating the rooms of the NGO, renewing the costumes of the roleplays and developing new boardgames have attracted more new members to the NGO. In addition, a good and strong network between Estonians and Russians who are interested in roleplays has been established. The webpage of the organization has been renewed which has increased the visibility of the NGO. The members of the NGO have gained more skills and knowledge in offering the service of organizing roleplays and therefore, the organization has found new possible sources of income.
Summary of bilateral results