The project aims to increase the 2014-2015 operational capability of the intercession of the Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres by carrying out more professional and active participation in the policy and decision making processes in the youth work area. With the help of the experts of the AEYC there will be a self-assessment model created. In addition, there will be surveillance systems (logs), communication plan and transparent inclusion systems created for the members of the organisation. As a result of this project, the awareness of the organisers of the necessary environment (NGO’s, universities) about the youth work of the youth centres will have increased. Carrying out interactive activities will on the one hand set the creation of the regional youth area development plans going and on the other hand will give inputs for creating different practice bases. The added value of the project is the 10 per cent growth in the membership of the AEYC. The main co-operation partners are University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy and Tallinn University Pedagogical College
Summary of project results
The project´s objective was to increase the 2014-2015 operational capability of the Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres by carrying out more professional and active participation in the policy and decision-making processes in the youth work area. As an outcome, new youth work documentation system was created. One was a Logbook, which is a web-based system to document every day youth work in the youth center. Now 48 youth centers are using the system and the number is increasing. Youth center´s self-assessment system was also created. Using these two systems together, youth centers can evaluate their effectiveness and plan their activities according to the needs. This system gives evidence-based information to evaluate youth work. Part of the project was to organize open board meetings and general board meetings to be more visible to association members and public. These meetings created more open dialog and showed associations work publicly. Thanks to communication, that is more open, members and non-members understood the organizations importance and possibilities. The outcome was the number of member increased by 14 organizations. Now association has 82 members with 136 youth centers.
Summary of bilateral results