Youth Shadow Elections 2013

Project facts

Project promoter:
Estonian National Youth Council
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 39,754
The project is carried out in:


„Youth Shadow Elections 2013“ is a nation-wide project preceeding the local government elections that promotes political awareness and activity. The project will culminate in a simulated election held in every major administrative center across the country in co-operation with the National Electoral Committee, where young people from ages 13 to 17 can vote either electronically or by ballots. Most important pre-actions are debates in schools, youthful "shadow elections school" in Internet about politics, political systems and risks, campaign analysis, etc. It is also planned to conduct a nationwide survey in collaboration with Tallinn University Institute of Political Science and Governance about youth voting behaviour and social activity. Partners for the project include the Estonian Student Body Union, Tallinn Institute of Political Science and Governance and TLU Student Union Civitas.

Summary of project results

The purpose of the 'youth shadow elections' was to raise awareness about elections and political participation among young people from the age of 13 to 20. There were over 100 different events to raise attention and make youth think about the role of politics in society and their importance as a citizen in that process. There were debates in schools all over Estonia (52 different); public debates in biggest cities; panel discussions; simulation games and workshops; essay and photo competition brought to attend over 10 000 youngsters. The project culmination was voting simulation where 4,4% of the age group participated. Also educational materials, videos and articles from project team reached thousands from the target group. Youthful "shadow elections school" in Internet about politics; educational and motivating videos and playing cards are main outcomes that can help to sustain project results and increase the impact of the project. Main beneficiaries of the project was the target group (youngsters from the age of 13-20), and they were also involved in organizing the events. This hopefully has a far-reaching effect and motivates those youngsters to be active in civil society. Altogether over 100 new volunteers took part in organizing various events.

Summary of bilateral results