The aim of the project is to improve the communication management of the association in order for it to become strategic and more professional to, as a representative of the Estonian LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people, raise the awareness of the society on LGBT issues by communicating in a systematic, timely and strategic manner. As a result, the association will be sustainable and independent in matters of communication management. In order to reach the results of the project, a proper communication strategy and plan will be drafted, with the help and guidance of an expert, based on the analysis and mapping of the current situation. Alongside implementing the communication plan, trainings will be provided to people engaged in the process as well as to various target groups for the media and the society as a whole to start reflecting the issues of sexual and gender minorities in a truthful manner.
Summary of project results
The communication activities of Estonian LGBT Association used to be reactional and not systemically or strategically planned. Therefore, the main objective of the project was to imporve the communication management of the organization. The project reached its goal. As a result of the project a communication strategy for the association was drawn up and a communications team of 5 was created. The members and volunteers of the association received training related to communication. The training provided knowledge to be able to manage communication in a more organized manner (e.g. systematic media monitoring and monitoring reports, so that we could be up to date on the topics related to LGBT issues and to be able to react proactively). The organization's relationship with journalists improved thanks to expert interviews carried out and also due to the press briefing event at the end of the project. Media representation of our topics and queries to the association exceeded expectations as well with 15 articles published. New knowledge, skills and human resources help to reach the long-term goals of the organization and the project gave a good start for an even better communication.
Summary of bilateral results