The aim of the project is to elaborate the draft of the national adaption strategy for climate change in Estonia, proposing and evaluating adaption measures as well as elaborating the action plan for implementation in the field of spatial planning, land use, coastal and other risk areas, amelioration, human health and rescue management. Most widely defined, the beneficiary of the project is Republic of Estonia as a whole, since the effective implementation of proposed adaption measures increases the national preparedness and capacity to successfully adapt to climate change. The project is implemented with three partner institutions – the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR).
Summary of project results
Climate change is happening, projected to continue and poses serious challenges for cities and people. As climate change impacts have been becoming more urgent and affected urban areas and human health in Estonia adaptation to climate change has crucial importance. Climate change is strongly intertwined with other socio-economic changes. An ageing population increases the share of people vulnerable to heatwaves. Urbanisation also reduces the area available for natural flood management or increases the number of homes and businesses actually in flood-prone areas. Though, current political discussions seem still very much focused on mitigation rather than adaptation. The adaptation strategy as required by EU climate policy is still not adopted in Estonia. The project “Assessment of climate change impacts and elaboration of adaptations measures: planning, land use, health and rescue management“ (KATI) was aiming to contribute to the drafting Estonian national adaptation strategy to climate change and setting adaptation priorities. The outputs of the KATI project were draft strategy adapting to climate change, draft adapting measures for implementation and research report on impacts, risks and adaption policies in the field of planning, land use, health and rescue management. The project researchers analysed the impacts of climate change, assessed the risks and vulnerabilities, set the objectives and listed the most crucial measures for adaptation. It also shortlisted the needs for further research and public administration in order to better understand climate change and enforce and facilitate adaptation in the framework of national adaptation strategy. The draft adaptation strategy with implementation plan was delivered by the Ministry of environment to the Estonian government. The strategy adopted in the beginning of 2017. The multiple measures in the field of flood risk mitigation have been implemented in Estonian cities and towns. The health measures are facilitated and upgraded to address health risks among vulnerable groups (elderly, children, at-risk-poverty).
Summary of bilateral results
NIBR contributed in adaptation know-how, best practices and lessons learnt in Norway focusing on urban planning, flood-risk areas and policy-making in national, regional and local level. NIBR participated in drafting Estonian strategy and measures and provided critique on current status of adaptation in Estonia. NIBR contributed in 2 conferences on climate change adaptation (2 keynote presentations by dr Kjell Harvold). The professional and academic collaboration continues between Estonian partners (university of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Rescue Academy) and NIBR in the field of climate risks exposed in urban areas as well in assessing adaptation policy. NIBR provided to Estonian authorities Norwegian adaptation documents and policy assessment reports. The Norwegian experiences on climate change were taken into account fine-turning and revising stage of drafting the Estonian strategies.