Increased effectiveness in treating young inmates in Kuřim Prison

Project facts

Project promoter:
Prison Service of the Czech Republic
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 416,782
The project is carried out in:
Jihomoravský kraj


Increasing numbers of prisoners and prison overcrowding is a problem in the Czech Republic. The project, which is implemented in the Kuřim prison will add a new unit to the ground floor of the prison where accommodation and other educational activities for 32 young adult prisoners under special security are proposed, all in compliance with European and international human rights standards. There will be 8 bedrooms, each for four prisoners, common social settlement and bathroom, utility room, therapy room, a room for self-service activities (washing, cooking), cultural room and an outdoor exercise yard. The building will be used for implementation of an educational programme for the target group of young prisoners aged 18 – 26 in the security prison. Special socio-psychological training will also be provided for the staff of the prison. These measures will contribute to a more successful return of sentenced persons to society and to decrease re-offending.

Summary of project results

The objective of the project was to increase the capacity for treatment of young adult prisoners aged 18 – 26 in Kuřim prison, to increase the effectiveness of their preparation before the release, which contributes to solving the problem of overcrowding of prisons and reducing recidivism. The project was extended by one year due to delay in the public procurement. All planned project activities were successfully completed and the planned results fulfilled. One-storey superstructure of an existing building was built for accommodation and provision of special educational programme for 32 young adults in line with European and international human rights standards. There are 8 bedrooms, shared bathroom, cleaning room, therapeutic room, self-service room (washing, cooking) and culture room. A separate walking court was built as well. The premises were equipped with the necessary furniture and appliances. The target group of inmates was relocated from unsatisfactory premises, where they were accommodated together with inmates affected by repeated criminal offenses. Part of the project was also creation and piloting of a special educational program for young adults. The educational program is aimed at eliminating the negative impact of the prison environment, motivating prisoners to change their lifestyle and gaining insight into criminal activities leading to the elimination of further crimes. 32 inmates passed the educational program within the project. Furthermore, painter and bricklayer courses were carried out for 20 inmates. Employees working with young adults have undergone several educational activities - a social-psychological training for 2 employees, thematic courses, supervision during piloting of the educational program and teambuilding. Qualification of professional staff performing treatment of young adults was thus enhanced. The planned project objective was fulfilled, the results of the project contribute to better and more efficient preparation of inmates before release leading to better chance to succeed in the labor market and integrate into civil life. These measures are supposed to result in reduction of recidivism. Every year, 32 young adults will be included in the educational program and painter and bricklayer courses will be attended by at least 20 convicts.

Summary of bilateral results