Projects for vulnerable groups and further education of employees of the Prison Service

Project facts

Project promoter:
Prison Service of the Czech Republic
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 418,685
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


The project is focused on increasing the quality of treatment of prisoners in prisons and remand prisons. The first area of support is aimed at development of targeted and structured programmes for prisoners. The second area is focused on decreasing socio-cultural, legal and language barriers, and thus also the risk of discrimination among vulnerable groups of foreign prisoners. The third area focuses on strengthening of systematic and conceptual lifelong learning of workers of the Prison Service with an emphasis on continuous professional training. The target group comprises both prisoners and prison staff. In the framework of bilateral cooperation the project aims to establish a relationship with the Norwegian Correctional Services (including e.g. KRUS, and Ullersmo, Ila and Ringerike prisons) and gain bilateral experiences, information and skills in the field of activity of the penitentiary. Partnership will be established also with Alternative to Violence, the exchange of experience will be focused mainly on dealing with violent offenders.

Summary of project results

The project was divided into three focus areas – provision of support to foreign inmates, development of methodology of lifelong training for prison staff and support of selected target groups of inmates with crime and other risk factors through intervention programmes. Prison staff was trained to be able to provide required support to foreign inmates and subsequently 19 consultations focused on legal issues, rights and rules of the stay in the prison and the CR as such were provided to 328 foreign prisoners. The interest in consultations was so immense that the number of participants highly exceeded planned target. Information brochures including information related to Czech legislation, prisoners’ rights and duties, conditions of stay in the CR, information on the steps after release etc. were drafted and translated into 16 languages reflecting national and linguistic composition of imprisoned foreigners. The newly introduced measures contributed to reduction of the socio-cultural, legal and linguistic barriers, and thus the risk of discrimination. The project also supported development of new intervention programmes for prisoners and extension of existing intervention programmes. The new programmes focused on treatment of aggressive convicts, treatment of drug addicted and contact and counseling services were put into practice in 7 prisons. Two already existing programmes focused on sexual and traffic offenders were extended to 4 prisons. Prison staff was dully trained to be able to run the programmes. Introduction and extension of programmes enhanced more systematic work with crime and risk factors of selected target groups of inmates. Methodology of lifelong training was developed including manuals of individual specialized courses, which were piloted within the project (more than 800 participants). The methodology includes educational plan from inception to lifelong training focused on professional growth of the employee. Training contributed to increase the professional competence of employees in various areas such as the treatment of prisoners in crisis situation, mentally retarded or personally convicted prisoners. Within the framework of conceptual training, the ability of the staff to provide financial literacy advice, to become familiar with practical criminology and penology was enhanced. The project´s two main objectives - increased focus on vulnerable groups in prison and improved competences of both inmates and prison staff was thus fulfilled.

Summary of bilateral results

Partnership was established with the Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service (DNCS) and its subordinate entities, i.e. KRUS, Ullersmo, Ila and Ringerike prisons. The partnership was based on mutual exchange of experience, information, skills and best practices. A seminar with DNCS was held in CR followed by 4 study visits to Norway. The seminar focused on various topics like treatment of prisoners, special treatment programmes, qualification of prison staff, staff management, dynamic security etc. Information gained during the seminar was used to formulate the content of the training course for the of Czech prisons management as well as for development of the new intervention programmes. Study visits brought various other stimuli that were implemented into the practice of Czech prisons, for example, extended activities supporting the relationship between the prisoner and the child. In March 2017, a conference was held at the Břevnov Monastery in Prague with representatives of DNCS, Norwegian prisons and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the Czech Republic. The conference enabled to share experience regarding the progress of cooperation and to discuss future perspectives. Thanks to savings caused by lower tender prices for services within the project, the project promoter was able to finance additional partnership with Alternative to Violence (ATV). 3 seminars with ATV focused mainly on the topic of anger management were held in the CR. The cooperation contributed to strengthening of competences of Prison Service employees in the area of dealing with violent offenders. Given the benefits of bilateral cooperation within the project, further bilateral activities are planned in the future. The Prison Service of the CR is interested in implementing new selected programmes that are available to the Prison Service of Norway (Motivation Program and Father's Program) and would like to take the opportunity to gain experience and inspiration during development of similar programmes in the CR.