The project is based on long-term need for professionalization of activities within probation and mediation. It is in line with the strategic pillars of the Probation and Mediation Service of the CR (PMS), i.e. protection of society, integration of offenders, participation of the affected persons. The objective of the project is to contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of the PMS through strengthening the professional level of officials and assistants, enhancing the quality of conditions for application of alternative sanctions and measures, strengthening quality of the provision and implementation of restorative justice programmes, particularly mediation between victim and offender, strengthening quality of work with victims of crime, enhancing quality of work in assessing recidivism and needs of offenders. This shall be achieved by introduction of several training courses for PMS staff. The expected result of the project is also exchange of experience and good practice between the CR and Norway and their inclusion in the further education system.
Summary of project results
A system of further education (SFE) for employees of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic (PMS) is a superstructure over compulsory education of probation officers and assistants. Its aim is to ensure higher quality of the provided services. The reason for establishment of SFE was to address the needs of probation officers and assistants, to unify the system of regional events and to further develop individual specializations. In 2009-2010, the project of the System of Further, Specific Training of PMS Workers was carried out in partnership with the Norwegian Correctional Services, where a manual for the preparation of internal lecturers was prepared and their training was also carried out. In conclusion, it was recommended to complete creation of SFE and to pilot it. Subsequent investigation confirmed high interest in the SFE among PMS employees. The current project responded to internal needs for further professional development and to the situation in the area of criminal policy, mainly growing support of restorative approaches to tackling crime. The main objective of the project, to increase the professionalism of probation and mediation activities through the implementation of a SFE, was fulfilled. All activities were carried out in accordance with the plan. Thanks to the opportunity to extend the project, additional educational activities were prepared and implemented. They were financed from savings. 6 educational modules and 43 lecture manuals were created and individual training modules were implemented and evaluated. Within the individual training modules a total of 113 training courses were carried out. Supervision was provided to 37 trainers, which helped to strengthen the in-house trainers’ base. 50 employees have successfully passed the SFE final exam. After completion of the project, an analysis of the SFE set-up was carried out, on the basis of which the system will be further refined. The project enabled to prepare, implement and evaluate SFE training modules, to provide support to internal trainers through supervisors, and through bilateral co-operation enabled sharing of good practice and exchange of experience. The benefit of the project is particularly important because of pilot implementation of the SFE, the new type of training for PMS officials and assistants has been put into practice for the first time and its training modules have been very successful in delivering knowledge and skills to PMS staff.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation with the project partner, the Norwegian Correctional Service, was established thanks to previous cooperation under the Norway Grants 2004-2009. Within current project, four study visits to Norway and two study visits to the Czech Republic were implemented and a bilateral conference was organised in the Czech Republic. Altogether 55 employees from the Czech Republic visited Norway and 22 employees from Norway visited the Czech Republic. Bilateral activities have contributed to strengthening of international judicial cooperation. It was very beneficial for the project promoter to learn about the Norwegian probation and penitentiary system, mainly about the intensity of supervision within probation and an overall system involving education, employment, learning to change behavior and accepting responsibility. The DNCS introduced to the promoter the possibilities of working with clients in a very intensive form for a shorter period of punishment, new types of punishment, the entire “Community sentences” system. The Norwegian partner shared experience and good practice in the field of electronic monitoring, probation and parole, prison system and half-way houses. Elements of the new knowledge were reflected during preparation of new courses of PMS staff. The study visits to the Czech Republic were focused on working with victims, mediation between the victim and the perpetrator, the activities of the probation and mediation centers and the prison system. Bilateral cooperation was also beneficial in establishing good quality cooperation between the various cooperating organizations (Prison Service, Judicial Academy, etc.).