Foreign Police Directorate is responsible for the safe and effective implementation of controls at external borders of the Czech Republic. With increasing security measures and the growing trend of people crossing boundary across international airports is also extending the clearance passengers. Checking travel documents is part of the border control process. In order to increase efficiency in the identification of persons and to eliminate the possibility of forgery or falsification of travel documents, biometric elements characterized by the uniqueness of their holders are introduced into travel documents. The increase of identification elements in the travel documents and the extent of information about their holders, however, slows down the process of checking travel documents. Modernization of information and communication technologies used at international airports and using modern technical equipments, this activity can be considerably faster and more effective. Main advantages of electronic documents with biometric data is their high safety. One of the technologies to utilise this potential is to use an automated border control system.
Summary of project results
With the growing number of security measures at international airports, the check-in time for passengers is constantly increasing. The check-in procedure also consists of checking travel documents identifying their holders. In order to improve the identification checks and to decrease the possibility to forge passports, biometric features are introduced into personal documents that are unique for their holders and improve the quality of the controls. The main objective of the project was to acquire technology known as eGate or automated gate or ABC (Automated Border Control) and reading devices enabling reading full pages of documents in three light spectrums with an optical and electronic check. During the project realization, 80 full page scanners were purchased and distributed among 5 international airports in the Czech Republic, 54 police officers were trained, and most importantly 17 new comprehensive self-service eGates were purchased, installed and put into operation at Vaclav Havel airport in Prague. The overall objective of the programme was significantly overachieved. Compared to the project grant application 17 eGates were purchased instead of 7, and more than 183 000 passengers per month had been controlled during 2017, while 22 000 passengers was the goal indicated in the grant application. Moreover, thanks to the installation of eGates, the average control time for passengers was reduced to 15-24 seconds per person.
Summary of bilateral results