Social work and therapeutic programs for violent persons

Project facts

Project promoter:
THEIA – krizové centrum o.p.s.
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 22,768
The project is carried out in:
Jihočeský kraj


This project is aimed at reducing the incidence of domestic violence in South Bohemia through systematic work with violent persons. It will create a platform of organisations and institutions, which are affected. They will exchange and transmit information about violent persons (information on how to help). The goal is to increase the number of violent people who take advantage of these services. Information about the project will be distributed to professionals as well as the general public. Studies show that work with violent persons in the area of prevention is more effective and thereby lowers the incidence of domestic violence. The project will thus be a functional platform working with violent people, and an information campaign.

Summary of project results

In the South Bohemian Region, no assistance is provided to violent persons. However, this service is important in preventing domestic violence and reducing its occurrence. Our goal was not only to establish such a service but also to create a platform of organisations that encounter these people in their activities. Both ours and partner organisations have gained further education in this area and have been inspired by colleagues in other regions. The platform has been established and both organisations have begun to provide services to violent persons. At the same time, they informed both the professional and general public about the newly created services and possibilities to help violent persons. The target groups were the professional public (we organised individual meetings and a round table, disseminated information materials), the general public (for which there were leaflets informing on the new service and information in the media) and violent persons (they joined the assistance programme in the pilot stage of the project). Both organisations have established these services as part of their regular activities, thus being able to continue providing them without difficulty after the project ends.

Summary of bilateral results