Men against Violence towards Women and Children

Project facts

Project promoter:
League of Open Man
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 49,376
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Efforts to reduce domestic violence in the Czech Republic have so far been focused especially on the effects of this abuse and helping the victims. Working with the abusers is not widespread in the Czech system for prevention of domestic violence, however abroad (Norway included) these services belong to standard methods. The project contributes to reducing domestic violence thanks to the adaptation of know-how of the Norwegian gender organization Reform. Within the framework of the project, a method of therapy for abusers called anger management, so far unapplied in the Czech Republic, will be introduced. Abroad, this method is used to prevent violence in partnerships and when raising children. The project will include a training for 12 Czech experts led by an instructor from the organization Reform. Thanks to the consultations with the Norwegian partner, a new method of working with the abusers will be created and then be spread among the experts. Project activities also include direct work with the abusers: counselling (internet and personal) for 20 people and a pilot therapeutic group for 12 men with anger management issues.

Summary of project results

The project has introduced a new method of domestic violence prevention in the Czech Republic called controlling aggression or anger (anger management). The methodology of the Norwegian organisation Reform has been adapted to Czech conditions and was successfully tested in a therapeutic group for men who have committed violence against people close to them. This has helped improve services in the field of domestic violence prevention in terms of working with offenders. We achieved all project goals: by extending our capacity to work directly with offenders, we have helped reduce the overall occurrence of domestic violence in the Czech Republic. The project had a direct impact on 13 intensely trained experts, 85 workshop and seminar participants, 12 therapeutic groups, and 22 perpetrators of violence who were given counselling. It also impacted thousands of members of the general public through the media, the Internet, social media, and 3,000 leaflets. The project results are also sustainable –the anger management methodology has been adapted for the Czech environment and the first Czech experts have been trained in it. Recipients (domestic violence perpetrators, experts, and the public) were directly involved during all project activities. The organisation Reform was actively engaged throughout the project as a consultant and instructor, and shared their know-how and provided consultation.

Summary of bilateral results

The project partner contributed profesionally in training of the Czech experts (as trainers), in preparation of the adapted metodology and in counselling sessions via skype regarding case studies. The partnership was the key element of all activities. The bilateral relations were strenghtened through the project and a study visit in Oslo (see the report from the project 692 for more details).